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Posts tagged “Swords

Swords and Soldiers Review (PS3)

Swords and Soldiers PS3

Swords and Soldiers, the simplified RTS game originally released on WiiWare more than a year ago, has made its way onto the Playstation Network.  While losing the Wii’s motion controls (the Move is not supported), the Playstation version adds a variety of new features, including updated graphics, a strong competitive multiplayer component, and addictive leader boards. Is it a fair trade off? (more…)

Looking Back – Interview with Joost van Dongen

Before you read this article I’d like to say that this interview is outdated. This conversation was conducted in early October. And in particular I’d like to point out that Joost was a great sport. There was a scheduling issue that was my fault so I’m happy that he still let me interview even after the interview was put off so many times.

BA: Could you tell me who thought of the idea of de Blob?

Joost van Dongen: I am not sure, I

think it was Fabian(Ronimo co-founder). It was a group thing that came up during a collective brainstorm we were sitting in a McDonalds in Utrecht (the city where our Blob plays) and there is this huge air-photo of Utrecht, in black and white. We figured it would be awesome to paint that; that’s where the painting idea came from.
